
Step 1 – Know the Risks
Step 2 – Know Your Options
Step 3 – Know the Solution

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You’ve made the move to Office 365 to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud. Ensuring that your data is protected in the cloud is as critical as protecting data stored on premises. It’s important to understand the steps necessary to provide complete protection for your Office 365 data. As Microsoft says, “It’s your data, you own it.”

Office 365 provides comprehensive platform protection to safeguard your data against hardware and software issues and to provide disaster recovery. Unfortunately, there are other ways to lose data that are your responsibility to protect against. That’s where Spanning Backup for Office 365 can help.

Step 1 – Know the Risks

Data deletion: Users present a significant risk when it comes to data protection. If an end user accidentally or maliciously deletes data or “loses” a folder, for example, there is no easy way to get it back.

Ransomware, hackers, & malware threats: Malware and cyber threats now pose the number one risk to your data.  As seen in recent ransomware attacks, data stored in the cloud can be as vulnerable as data stored on premises to cybercrime.

Sync and configuration errors: Even a simple sync error or ‘fat finger’ while configuring Office 365 can result in unintentional sync errors that can destroy or overwrite your data.

Step 2 – Know Your Options

Office 365 In Place Archiving: This feature provides users with additional mailbox storage space. However, search capabilities are very limited (you have to know the name of the item you are searching for) and you cannot use the “Recover Deleted Item” feature with items stored in the archive.

Recycling Bins: Microsoft’s native recycle bins give users some ability to correct mistakes, but they are not failsafe, still leave end users with the ability to delete data, and are often cumbersome to use.

Step 3 – Know the Solution

Consider cloud-to-cloud solutions expressly designed to back up Office 365 data and restore it into production. Backup and restore functionality provides an inexpensive and reliable storage and data protection solution for your critical Office 365 data.

Automated, daily and on demand backup: Spanning Backup for Office 365 backs up your critical data every day, keeping your data in a different location and safe.

Point-in-time & granular restore: Restore your data from any specific point in time, exactly as it existed in Office 365 before the loss. In the case of ransomware or malware, users can easily restore files from a point in time directly before the attack.

Secure: Spanning Backup for Office 365 is SSAE SOC2 compliant. It meets industry standards such as HIPAA and FERPA. Spanning provides data centers around the world to meet customers data residency and sovereignty requirements.

Ease of use: Spanning products are designed to be intuitive and transparent and require little to no training. IT Admins benefit from a ‘set it and forget it’ design paradigm, that protects your data automatically in the background and can be restored with a click of a button. We also empower end users to back up and restore their own email, calendar items, OneDrive, and SharePoint, which makes everyone’s day much better if a document is lost.

Case in Point

Here’s an example of how your Office 365 data can be vulnerable to loss – and how a Spanning Backup solution can protect it. It really is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. User detects ransomware in an encrypted file in a synchronized OneDrive folder or SharePoint library.
  2. Admin uses Spanning Backup to return to a point in time prior to the attack, selects the file, and restores it directly back into Office 365.
  3. Spanning restores the file directly back into Office 365, exactly how the data was stored before, to get you up and running fast.

Interested in learning more about Spanning Backup for Office 365? Visit the product page below.

Spanning Backup for Office 365