Compliance EducationFERPA Compliance & How to Obtain ItLearn what the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is and what measures educational institutions must take to obtain FERPA compliance.Read in 4 minutes
Microsoft 365 Products & News FeaturesSpanning Release Notes: Error Only Email — Spanning Backup for Office 365Error Only Email — the newest feature in Spanning Backup for Office 365 — is now live. See how it can help customers by enabling external workflows for systems like BMS, ConnectWise and Microsoft …Read in 2 minutes
Cloud Technology Google Workspace Microsoft 365OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Which Cloud Storage is Better?Learn the pros, cons and differences between Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive to help you pick the right cloud storage option.Read in 6 minutes
Cloud and Data Security Google Workspace Products & News FeaturesSpanning Release Notes: Google Workspace Backup with Integrated Dark Web MonitoringSpanning Backup for Google Workspace with Dark Web Monitoring provides complete front-end and back-end Google Workspace protection – secure credentials – secure data.Read in 2 minutes
Cloud and Data SecurityDenial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks — Web-based Application Security, Part 7A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is when legitimate users are unable to access a network. Learn how they work and how to protect against them.Read in 5 minutes
Cloud and Data SecurityZero-Day Vulnerability: The Unknown Threats to Your DataZero-day vulnerabilities lead to zero-day exploits that put your data at risk. Learn how to keep your Microsoft 365, Google Workspace and Salesforce data protected from such attacks.Read in 5 minutes
Cloud and Data Security IndustryAES Encryption: A Closer Look at Advanced Encryption StandardsAES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is the gold standard when it comes to protecting your SaaS data. Take a deep dive into what makes AES the most secure encryption cipher out there.Read in 6 minutes
Cloud and Data Security RansomwareNanoCore RAT — Malware of the Month, May 2020NanoCore — Spanning’s Malware of the Month for May 2020 — is an incredibly sophisticated Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that gives hackers free rein over an infected device.Read in 5 minutes
Backup Cloud Technology Google WorkspaceGoogle Takeout: Is It a Good Backup Option?Google Takeout is a data retrieval platform that allows users to import and export data from a number of Google products. Learn more about Google Takeout’s capabilities and viability as a backup …Read in 5 minutes