The “Most Creative Company in the World” Can’t Lose Time Because of Data Loss
Fast Backup. Two-Click Restore.
And They Rest Easy Knowing That Their Valuable Data is Safe With Spanning
BBH extensively uses Google Workspace — Gmail, Calendar, Contacts, Google Sites and Google Drive. Losing any of it could be disastrous. And recovering it can be time-consuming.
“Network drive users who need data from a certain point in time had to put in an IT request, wait for confirmation, then wait again for IT to search through tapes,” said William Triantos, BBH’s Global Google Technical Lead. They wanted a cloud backup solution with quick and easy restores and found that in Spanning Backup for Google Workspace.
“If someone accidentally deletes a folder, with Spanning, we can just look up the folder and click ‘Restore’.” - WILLIAM TRIANTOS, Global Google Technical Lead, BBH
Lost a File? Get it Back in Minutes With Search-Based and Point-in-Time Restore
BBH found Spanning’s support for both granular, search-based restores and point-in-time restores from any past backup, to be its most compelling feature. “Once I deleted a file from years ago, and was able to return to that point in time and restore it,” William says.
“You can go back months or years and restore a file or folder in minutes.” - WILLIAM TRIANTOS, Global Google Technical Lead, BBH
Spanning’s ease of use extends from backup and restore to licensing. “You can assign licenses by selecting individual users, unlike some of our other software tools where you have to switch it on for an entire unit.” And as for customer support, he says, ”I’ve only had to request support once or twice, and I have very positive feedback.”
BBH’s further transition to the cloud with enabler Cloud Technology Solutions was accelerated with Spanning ensuring that data will be convenient to access and well- protected. Furthermore, when IT services provider Re:Sources did a security audit, they confirmed the reliability of the backups.
“They are confident our data is secure with Spanning Backup for Google Workspace,” William says. “So, we can continue to use Spanning to backup and restore data successfully and securely.”