Millar, Inc. User Story: Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365

"Spanning indefinitely keeps all our data, be it email, OneDrive documents and calendar appointments. That definitely gives me peace of mind when it comes to protecting our data." - TODD MILLER, , Director of IT, Millar, Inc.

Millar, Inc. User Story: Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365


Pioneers in Innovative Life-Saving Medical Devices for Half a Century.


    Millar Inc.

    , founded in 1969, helps doctors save lives and develop new treatments with their catheter-based sensors and devices for medical research and clinical diagnosis. Their patented Mikro-Tip pressure catheters, or “Millars” as they’re nicknamed, are renowned worldwide. Millar Inc. is an FDA-regulated business, and take data protection very seriously. They realized that the data on the cloud was as susceptible to attacks and loss as data on local file servers. After examining various backup solutions, they ultimately selected Spanning to protect their data, intellectual property, and email communications stored on the cloud.


    Millar, Inc.




    Houston, TX, U.S.

    Your Products Save Lives. We Save Their e-PHI.

    Reliable Backup, HIPAA Compliance, 100% Restore.

    Don’t Worry about Device, Data and Time Limits. Spanning’s Backup is Unlimited and Comprehensive.

    “As an FDA regulated business, we have certain strict compliance requirements. The biggest is going to be data retention, being able to keep data for an indefinite period of time,” says Todd Miller, Director of IT at Millar Inc.

    They needed to keep product-related information backed up and accessible for the lifecycle of that product, which could range from seven to 20 years. The data could include Microsoft 365 email, calendar appointments and OneDrive documents. “We looked at a backup solution that was going to be able to indefinitely keep all our data. And that was one factor that really drew us to Spanning,” Miller says.

    Restore that One Critical Email, or the Entire Mailbox. In Minutes.

    On occasion, Millar Inc. had to restore emails that had been mistakenly deleted or missing. “Spanning has a really nice console where we can go into an individual mailbox and actually search for that piece of mail throughout the entire account. And once we’ve found it, we literally just check it, hit restore, and then you can either restore it to the individual user or do a cross-mailbox restore,” Miller says.

    Spanning’s quick point-in-time restores have been especially helpful, to access and restore critical information from mailboxes of employees who have left the organization. “It was that combination of the simplicity of use and the automation that it offers that really drove us to choose Spanning over other providers,” Miller adds.

    “From an IT Director’s standpoint, choosing Spanning has really been kind of a no-brainer. It frees up resources to work on other projects and push other technologies.” - TODD MILLER, Director of IT, Millar, Inc.

    With Spanning’s “unlimited” backup and easy, point-in-time restore, Millar Inc. can focus on their life-savers, instead of worrying about audit compliance and data loss.


    Over 75% of SaaS customers experience a data loss incident every year. Don’t be another statistic — enhance your Microsoft 365 data protection and invest in a quality backup and recovery solution today.