Spredfast User Story: Spanning Backup for Salesforce

"With Spanning, I don’t have to worry about data loss. I like to say, I’ve got 99 problems but backup isn’t one of them." - STEPHANIE HERRERA, Director of Salesforce and Business Systems, Spredfast

Spredfast User Story Spanning Backup for Salesforce


Award-winning Enterprise Social Company Protects Salesforce Data With Spanning Backup


    Spredfast is used by 2,000+ global brands to manage over one billion social connections Spredfast’s growth over the past eight years reflects its leadership and innovation in social media management for major global brands, media companies, and agencies. Among other awards, Spredfast won an Emmy for Innovation in Improving Engagement around TV in Social Media.

    The challenge

    Data Drives Spredfast’s Business; Protecting That Data Is Critical Salesforce data is integral to Spredfast’s success. As their CFO Lynn Atchison stated, “Salesforce is the spine of the business. It is our system of truth.” Without adequate protection of their Salesforce data and metadata, Spredfast’s business would be at risk – and Salesforce only offers a weekly backup..









    “Data is driving the business. It’s a responsibility of ours to protect all of the work that our co-workers put in to make us successful. And that’s why it’s important to have a 100% foolproof data backup,” _says Stephanie Herrera, Director of Salesforce and Business Systems at Spredfast.

    “Imagine one day something happens and you lose all the hard work and data and [you’re] accountable for it without a way to fix the problem. But then, if I invest in a tool like Spanning – I can turn that nightmare into being a hero and recovering the data.” — STEPHANIE HERRERA, Director of Salesforce and Business Systems, Spredfast

    Firas Yacoub, Senior Salesforce Admin at Spredfast, elaborates, “Data protection is a two-headed monster. You can try and prevent data loss with permissions, restricting access and field level security. But, when you’re dealing with 500-plus users, 10-plus integrations, and installed packages, there’s no way to get 100% coverage. You can’t prevent the wrong tool or person from editing something in Salesforce, especially when you’re dealing with millions of records. So the second part of data protection is having a recovery solution, so that if something does happen and it slips through your prevention efforts, you have a way to recover that data.”

    Spredfast selected Spanning Backup for data and metadata protection based on its ease of use, flexible restore options, and because it was a solution Stephanie Herrera trusted after having used Spanning at another company.

    “Spanning is reliable. We install it and I forget about it,” continued Stephanie. “As a Salesforce director who owns an instance, I’ve got a lot of other things that I have to worry about. Moreover, our customers are our coworkers down the hall. We’ve got to deal with data loss in-person, so there’s that added level of stress and pressure. As Firas says, in a large company, mistakes will be made, but with Spanning, data loss is no big deal.”

    Easy backup. Fast, accurate restores. Total peace-of-mind.

    Spanning’s multiple easy restore options – cross-user, point-in-time and granular – along with its dependable, automated backup are the Spredfast team’s favorite features.

    Stephanie noted an incident where the contract for a legacy package expired, so they uninstalled the package. However, some custom fields tied to the package appeared in the standard list for Salesforce and not in the custom pick lists. When the package was uninstalled, all those fields disappeared, and the associated data was lost. “My admin who maintained the data came to me, white as a ghost. He was freaking out as all his work had gone. I was like that’s okay, we’ve got Spanning. I said just go back to yesterday, find those fields, create new custom fields and restore data in the new custom fields, and we’re good.”

    “In a large company, mistakes are going to be made. But with Spanning, data loss is no big deal. I can go back and look at the information at any given time and restore it. I don’t even have to think about it. That was huge for me.” — STEPHANIE HERRERA, Director of Salesforce and Business Systems, Spredfast

    Firas added, “There was a situation where we lost email addresses, which is very important for email marketing and sales. Having used Spanning previously, I wasn’t as worried about it. We were able to retrieve [the lost email] but also not impact any of the [other] changes to those records, which was very important.”

    Data loss is inevitable; and having a reliable data and metadata backup and restore solution is a must. “Had we not had Spanning? Had we just relied on the weekly export, we would have lost a week’s worth of data,” Stephanie said.. “With Spanning recovery was so easy. Like within less than 30 minutes we were able to restore our lost data.”

    Spredfast’s reliance on and trust in Spanning goes beyond backup and restore. “Spanning is a great company to work with. They actively engage with and support the community. When I started Salesforce Saturday in 2015 and needed space for a big event, Spanning was one of the first people to let us use their downtown space to hold our events. They’re there for you; the support is amazing.” Stephanie sums up by saying, “They care about protecting your data so you can fulfill your responsibility as steward of your organization’s data.”


    Over 75% of SaaS customers experience a data loss incident every year. Don’t be another statistic — enhance your Microsoft 365 data protection and invest in a quality backup and recovery solution today.