On-Page Restore: Spanning Backup for SalesforceIn this video, learn how to use Spanning’;s On-Page Restore feature to restore field-level data back into your Salesforce records.View Resource
Understanding the Difference between Google Vault and Spanning BackupLearn the differences between backup and recovery solutions and Google Vault in this paper that will help you examine your business needs and guide you toward choosing the solution that works best for you.View Resource
Spanning Product Line OverviewLearn about our backup and recovery solutions for Microsoft 365, Salesforce and Google Workspace, and why Spanning Backup is the right choice to protect your business.View Resource
Salesforce Backup — Product Demo Video: Spanning Backup for SalesforceIn this video, we show you how Spanning Backup for Salesforce works, including how to easily monitor the status of your Salesforce backups, how to restore data without leaving the Salesforce app, and how to easily export Salesforce data.View Resource
Restore Microsoft 365 Mail, Calendar & OneDrive Data: Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365In this video, learn how to restore backed up Microsoft 365 Mail, Calendar, and OneDrive data back into your user’;s live accounts.View Resource
Google Workspace Backup Installation & Configuration — Demo Video: Spanning Backup for Google WorkspaceIn this video, learn how to install and configure Spanning Backup for Google Workspace. Start protecting your Google Workspace users with daily, automated backups!View Resource
What is Spanning Backup? — Learn More About UsJeff Erramouspe, CEO of Spanning, details what Spanning Backup is, and what makes the service so reliable.View Resource
How to Install Spanning Backup for Google Workspace in Under a MinuteInstall a Spanning Backup for Google Workspace free trial in under a minute with this quick video!View Resource
Getting your cloud strategy on solid ground: Protect data in cloud apps with PHIIf your organization manages e-PHI in cloud applications, the information in this whitepaper is key to keeping your organization compliant and productive.View Resource