[Webinar] Microsoft 365 Backup Power DemoThis condensed 20-minute live Power Demo will help you discover the robust capabilities and crucial elements of Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365.View Resource
[On-Demand Webinar] 3 Must-Haves to Secure Student, Systems & SaaS DataJoin our SaaS backup experts to learn how educational institutions can secure their systems, student data and SaaS applications.View Resource
The 'Cyber ASaaSin' ManualRead this manual to gain insights into how Spanning can be the ‘Cyber ASaaSin’ required to identify the SaaS data enemies and stop them in their tracks.View Resource
On-Demand Webinar- Cyberthreats to Look Out for in 2023Watch this on-demand webinar to learn the best practices to keep your users off phishing hooks this holiday season.View Resource
Reduce OpEx and streamline compliance with Spanning Backup 1-year retentionLearn more about the key features, advanced capabilities and benefits of Spanning 360 in our data sheet.View Resource
The Essential Eight Security ObligationsThis whitepaper gives insights into the state of preparedness of businesses in the ANZ region for fulfiling the region’s new cybersecurity obligations.View Resource
On-Demand Webinar- Phishing Defense for Holiday SeasonWatch this on-demand webinar to learn the best practices to keep your users off phishing hooks this holiday season.View Resource
Tech Trends & Insights 2023 Survey Findings: The State of IT SecurityThis infographic explores responses from over 650 IT professionals worldwide to learn about their approach to cybersecurity.View Resource
Tech Trends and Insights: State of BCDRThis infographic explores responses from over 650 IT professionals worldwide to learn about their approach to BCDR.View Resource