The Largest Data Breaches in U.S. HistoryThis list explores the 10 largest data breaches of U.S. companies based on the total number of records exposed, regardless of record type.View Resource
Simple, Easy-to-Use Microsoft 365 BackupSpanning makes backup seamless with a quick, easy setup that’;s accompanied by an intuitive interface. See how easy it is to use Spanning Backup for Office 365 in this short explainer video.View Resource
Traditional Data Protection Platforms vs. Spanning Backup for Google WorkspaceAn infographic comparing the cost & complexity of procurement, installation, configuration, management, training, and usage of Spanning Backup for Google Workspace versus a platform solution.View Resource
Restore OneNote Backup: Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365 protects Microsoft OneNote Notebooks. This video details the steps to get your OneNote content back to where you need it.View Resource
Dark Web Monitoring Data Sheet; Spanning Backup for Google WorkspaceSpanning Dark Web Monitoring for Google Workspace alerts administrators of compromised or stolen employee credentials, enabling them to take proactive steps to secure those accounts before malicious activity occurs.View Resource
Dark Web Monitoring for Microsoft 365 — Video OverviewDark Web Monitoring alerts Microsoft 365 administrators when their employee’;s emails and passwords have been compromised enabling them to take proactive steps to secure accounts at risk.View Resource
Microsoft 365 Shared Responsibility Model — On-Demand WebinarSaaS vendors such as Microsoft operate based on a shared model of responsibility – they provide application availability, redundancy, and fault-tolerance. However, it is your responsibility to protect your users and the data they’re creating.View Resource
Dark Web Monitoring: Feature DatasheetOptional Dark Web Monitoring alerts Microsoft 365 administrators when their employee’;s emails and passwords have been compromised enabling them to take proactive steps to secure accounts at risk.View Resource
The ROI of Microsoft Office 365 BackupDecision makers are often skeptical of Microsoft 365 backup. They rarely can wrap their heads around a solution that doesn’t increase their margins. This ebook aims to show how a robust Microsoft 365 backup and recovery solution brings real, quantifiable value to your business.View Resource