Spanning Blog

Welcome to our blog featuring thought leadership and best practices on SaaS backup and recovery, data protection and security, and regular product updates for Spanning Backup for Office 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce.

How to Back Up to Google Cloud

Backing up data to Google Cloud involves utilizing Google Cloud Storage to safeguard and preserve digital information. Learn how to accomplish it.


What Is Cloud-To-Cloud Backup? How It Works and When to Use It

Cloud-to-cloud backup allows businesses to comprehensively secure their cloud-native data from a wide range of cyber threats with cloud-based backup.


How Phishing Attacks Ruin Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace

Cyberthreats adversely impact your SaaS applications and data. Here’s a look at how phishing affects your Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace environment.


The SaaS Backup and Recovery Report 2022: What’s New in the SaaS Universe

The SaaS Backup and Recovery Report 2022 from Spanning provides new insights into the SaaS universe, the current state of SaaS data protection and what you should know to enhance your data protection strategy.


File Inclusion Vulnerabilities — Web-based Application Security, Part 9

PHP File Inclusion represents a security flaw in web applications that can result in information disclosure. Learn more about LFI and RFI vulnerabilities.