Spanning Blog

Welcome to our blog featuring thought leadership and best practices on SaaS backup and recovery, data protection and security, and regular product updates for Spanning Backup for Office 365, Google Workspace, and Salesforce.

Restore Lost Salesforce Data with Spanning Backup

If you’re a Salesforce admin or developer, there are few things scarier than accidentally overwriting massive amounts of data in specific fields due to a bad app integration or an incorrectly configured upload...especially because it’s easy to miss the error until days later, after other (good) changes have been made. Spanning Backup for Salesforce now [...]


Google Team Drives Backup, Now Available with Spanning Backup for Google Workspace

Google Workspace and Google admins trust us to provide enterprise-grade backup and quick, easy restoration of items to the way they were at any point in time. And they trust us to innovate in sync with Google, to ensure all their Google Workspace data is protected. In line with Google’s recent release of Google Workspace [...]


Automate Licensing with Spanning Rest API

Almost every IT manager and admin I meet is looking for ways to work more quickly and efficiently. Rather than viewing automation as the enemy of job security, these pros realize that it can free up time for IT to focus on more strategic tasks. Automation can also help ensure traditional processes like backup occur [...]


Spanning Backup for Office 365 Launches Overseas Just in Time for Microsoft Ignite

Back in May, we officially announced that our backup and restore solution for Office 365, the best way for businesses to protect their Office 365 data, was expanding to include OneDrive. Since then, we’ve empowered many organizations from all industries and of various sizes across North America with automated backup of their Office 365 data. [...]


New Feature for Spanning Backup for Salesforce: Encryption Key Management

Based on recommendations by the Cloud Security Alliance and the requirements of the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy, enterprise organizations want SaaS data protection solutions that support the self-management of encryption keys. We are excited to announce that Spanning Backup for Salesforce is the first and only AppExchange backup and recovery solution that [...]


New Features for Spanning Backup for Google Workspace: Help Desk Admin and Custom Email Labels

Data loss can happen in Google Workspace through sync errors, user errors, malicious actions, or admin errors. In fact, according to recent research, roughly 70% of all SaaS data loss incidents are due to user error. To effectively protect your data from loss, you need the leader in enterprise-grade backup for Google Workspace, Spanning by [...]